Frequency IMMersion (sound healing)
Interested in joining a session? Go to the New Events page to see where my upcoming group sessions will be held.
Use the contact page if you wish to be added to my newsletter (put ‘subscribe’ as a subject), to arrange a private party or book a private session (1 or 2 pers) or for more information.
The cost of a private session is £45.
The cost of a private sound bath (up to 2 people) is £50.
The cost of a private group party is £50 (for the host and a friend), plus £15 for each person added to the party.
NB. The host organises the venue.
what is frequency immersion or sound healing
Everything is energy. Energy vibrates a different speeds; it holds a certain vibration; a frequency. Our bodies vibrate at a unique frequency to us, to maintain a certain equilibrium. This beautiful balance is challenged on a daily basis, through stress; trauma (emotional and physical); EMFs; diet/toxins (not just food, but everything we allow to penetrate our being - body, mind, spirit and energy). Our thoughts and emotions, and the aforementioned daily challenges, hold frequencies that can either help or hinder us and put us in dis-ease. When this dis-ease is allowed to remain in or around our body or energy field, it may manifest itself as disease. Sound healing or sound therapy can help restore the balance and a return to equilibrium.
The age of frequency medicine has arrived! Or rather, returned.
More and more people are losing faith in our current medical system, with the realisation that many of the solutions offered have a whole host of side effects which often cause further issues. We are biological beings requiring biological solutions, not chemical ones.
Sound Therapy is a holistic, complementary health care practice that enhances and stimulates the mind and body's ability to heal itself, It has a transforming effect on any imbalances within the mind, emotions, physical body and biofield. The result is a deep sense of wellbeing and calm as it harmonises your frequencies, realigns, recenters, reconnects and rebalances.
Here’s what sound healing can do for you:
○ Deeper relaxation and meditation
○ Enjoy better sleep quality
○ Calm and soothe your mind
○ Reduce stress and anxiety
○ Aid stress-related disorder
○ Improve immunity
○ Promotes circulation
○ Balance the nervous system
The space created in sessions offers and creates a deep sensory experience. The effects can be felt almost immediately with improvements and transformations claimed across a wide range of conditions including stress, trauma and illness.
Sound is not the only frequency we can immerse ourselves in. We can use all our senses to stimulate the frequencies of our being. We can use colour, smell, taste and touch as well. Touch being the best known in the form of hugs and massages to soothe, heal and harmonise us. We all know the affect music can have on our well-being state; it can lift us or dampen our spirits.
Holosonic Sound Therapy
I am excited to announce I will soon be adding Holosonic Sound Therapy to my private practice for a more direct healing approach to the individual, using tuning forks as a way of cleansing and rebalancing the subtle energy body. Tuning forks have been used in the ancient past for the purpose of healing.
how to get the most out of your session
Want to know how to prepare your mind and body prior to a sound therapy session to maximize your healing process? Here are some tips below can help you.
○ Spend some time relaxing and resting before your sound bath. It’ll help you be more mindful in anticipation of the session.
○ Keep yourself hydrated before the healing session. You’ll want to be well hydrated because sound waves travel better through water.
○ Try to eat light. Keeping your stomach empty and your body filled with energy from healthy food is a great way to enjoy a better healing experience.
○ Wear comfortable and loose clothing during the session. You want your body to be able to breathe and relax when those frequencies are passing through.
○ Take a few minutes to calm your mind before starting your sound bath session. This will help you to focus, relax and reduce any distracting mind chatter.
○ Come prepared with an intention. The healing you may seek through frequencies will be so much more profound when accompanied by a set intention. This can be anything from healing a physical or emotional issue, healing a relationship, or simply restoring the balance of the body and tranquility of mind.
An evening of candle lit bliss
Solfeggio pipes
Solfeggio frequencies
Just before you think you do not need Solfeggio frequencies to heal yourself, please take a few seconds to read this:
Many of us are starting to realize the importance of body health and inner energy balance and have been practising activities such as yoga, meditation, and outdoor sports. However, these exercises all have limitations. You have to put a certain amount of effort into them to receive positive results, which require time and commitment, and some people find it challenging to accomplish.
This is when Solfeggio frequency healing comes in handy for you. You might question or doubt the positive outcomes that sound healing might bring to you, but actually, but it is more common and effective than you might think. Every time you open your Spotify to listen to some instrumental music as you need to concentrate on doing a task, or choose some white noise audio to calm down before you go to bed, these are all examples of sound healing.
What is Solfeggio frequency?
Solfeggio frequencies come from the ancient nine-tone scale in the 11th century to help people find their harmony with nature and access higher mental states. The frequencies were derived from spiritual music sung by choirs and Gregorian monks. Their voices would lift people’s spirits and guide them in pursuing emotional and spiritual healing. The frequencies can resonate with emotional conditions and might help maintain a positive mindset.
One thesis published on Research Gate conducted a study on solfeggio frequencies and found that “music and sound is useful in enhancing therapies to transform the brain and relieve mental, emotional, and physical suffering.” “Sound healing is effective in healing DNA physical, generational and emotional trauma using vibrations and frequencies.” And in particular, “Solfeggio frequencies can be used to aid the evolution of our mind’s, bodies and spirits.” One study published in Health in 2018 found that people who listened to a 528 Hz frequency saw a decrease in cortisol levels, tension-anxiety, stress, and total mood disturbance and an increase in oxytocin levels.
One study published in Health in 2018 found that people who listened to a 528 Hz frequency saw a decrease in cortisol levels, tension-anxiety, stress, and total mood disturbance and an increase in oxytocin levels.
A full list of Solfeggio frequencies and their benefits
174Hz – Pain and Stress Relief Frequency
174Hz is the lowest tone on the Solfeggio Frequency scale. It impacts our inner energy and physical body positively, and influences our internal organs on a cellular level to relieve our body pain and stressed tension.
285Hz – Healing and Regeneration Frequency
285 Hz helps to heal tissue and brings them to a healthy state by sending a message to restructure the damaged organs and tissues. It helps in faster healing of burns, fracture, sprains, cuts, and other injuries. It also enhances the immune system.
396Hz – Liberative Frequency
Negative feelings prevent us from realizing our full potential and stop us from reaching personal goals. 396Hz frequency eliminates the feelings of fear and guilt by bringing down the defense mechanisms and lets us become more confident with ourselves.
417Hz – Energizing Frequency
Sometimes, we have negative emotions when we’re facing problems or stresses. 417Hz frequency removes the negative energy from our body and encourages the cells and body to feel more energized.
528Hz – DNA Repair Frequency
528Hz frequency is the most well-known frequency of Solfeggio frequencies. It helps repair human DNA and keep it in the best state. It also can bring transformation and miracles to our life.
639Hz – Connecting Frequency
639Hz frequency helps us solve problems in relationships between friends and within the family. It can encourage the body and soul to adapt to the environment and express the real understanding, tolerance, appreciation and love.
741Hz – Cleanse Frequency
741Hz frequency cleans and removes toxins from our cells and organs. It can change our diets towards healthier food and remove electromagnetic radiations from our cells. This frequency will lead us toward a pure, stable and spiritual life.
852Hz – Awakening Frequency
852Hz frequency raises awareness and restores mental order. It can open our mind to communicate with spirits. Also, 852Hz enables cells to transform themselves into higher energy systems.
963Hz – Light and Spirit Frequency
963Hz helps heal our body, mind, and soul, and is linked with the stimulation of the pineal gland or Third eye. It regulates our consciousness, corporates our motor functions, helps us to achieve Oneness, and enables a direct experience with non-vibrational energies of the spiritual world.
Bonus: 432Hz – Miracle Tone
432Hz is one of the most famous frequencies which some suggest is not a Solfeggio frequency, however it helps to create a sense of positive well-being and inner peace that can motivate listeners to step into a state of calmness and relaxation. It relaxes the body tension, release mind stress naturally, and bonds the body and consciousness with nature harmoniously.
How can you experience Solfeggio frequencies?
There are numerous instruments on the market today to explore these frequencies, such as tuning forks, wind chimes, crystal harps and other such beautiful tools. I use Solfeggio pipes in many of my sessions.
sound therapy and the vagus nerve
by Simone Vitale
The Vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the body. It originates in the brain and travels all the way down to the lower internal organs. It is a fundamental regulator of the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls all the involuntary processes such as digestion, heartbeat, respiration, etc. and is responsible for restoring relaxation after a response to stress or danger (the sympathetic nervous system’s activation).
The strength of the vagus response is called “vagal tone” and it is determined by the variations in the heart-rate that can be measured between inhalation and exhalation. During the inhalation, the heart speeds up and during the exhalation, it slows down. The bigger the difference between these two phases, the higher the vagal tone. A high vagal tone is what we need in order to maintain a state of good health.
The relevance of the vagus nerve in sound-based therapies
The ear and hearing have a substantial effect on the rest of the body because of their proximity to the vagus nerve.
The vagus nerve, or tenth cranial nerve does not play an active part in the process of hearing, therefore it is not normally taken into big consideration in things that relate to music, hearing and the like outside of the medical field.
However, this incredibly important nerve is connected with the posterior wall of the external auditory canal, the lower part of the eardrum’s membrane and in the middle ear: the stapedius (stirrup) muscle. From these parts of the ear, it makes its way all the way down to the lower internal organs and is responsible for a high number of regulatory functions in pharynx, larynx, thorax and abdomen.
Basically, stimulating the ear means stimulating all the vital vegetative internal organs.
This makes the ear a parasympathetic regulatory organ that uses innervation of the vagus nerve to affect the whole body.
The vibrations of sound tend to have a very significant impact on all the areas of the body reached by this important nerve by resonating very close to it in the eardrums. In addition to that, the majority of cranial nerves are either directly or indirectly connected with the ear.
This is one of the reasons why the use of Sound Therapy instruments such as tuning forks and Tibetan singing bowls can be so instantly calming and relaxing, helping the body to come back to the nourishing state that is the opposite of the “fight or flight” mode triggered by stress. In fact, long and sustained sounds tend to be soothing and relaxing (parasympathetic response) whereas sharp and abrupt sounds tend to trigger alertness and alarm (sympathetic response).
Another interesting factor is that auditory stimulation of the vagus nerve can lead to reduced activity of the limbic system. The limbic system, located on both sides of the thalamus, includes the hypothalamus, the hippocampus, the amygdala, and a number of other nearby areas. It is considered to be primarily responsible for our emotional life and has a lot to do with the formation of memories.
A simple practice of toning (producing long vocal sounds, usually vowels, or humming) can have tangible calming effects by virtue of its auditory stimulation of the vagus nerve, which in turn causes limbic deactivation.
This is very similar to certain therapies that employ electrical devices to stimulate the vagus nerve artificially. With your own voice, you can do the same in a completely organic way!
Listening to life
Myeline is an essential component of the nerve fibers. It is a coating substance that isolates the nerves and enhances the transmission of electrical signals. The auditory system and its nerves become completely functional while still in utero. The acoustic nerve is said to start myelinise during the sixth month, whereas the neocortex only completes myelination around adolescence.
Also, the area in the temporal lobe of the brain where sound signals are received is functional before birth. And the inner ear reaches its full adult size. That makes sense because while we are still in utero, we cannot rely on our sense of sight, but we can start receiving vitalising signals from the environment via the ideal medium of water in which sound travels very effectively.
Other important nerves to consider as relevant when working with sound in a therapeutic way are:
The trigeminal nerve (fifth cranial), branching out to the muscles in the middle ear, impacting the eyes, nose, sinus, jaw, teeth, lips, cheeks, hard palate, tongue and it is responsible for sensations in the head.
The facial nerve (seventh cranial), connected to the ear canal and responsible for facial expression and the opening of the mouth.
The glossopharyngeal nerve (ninth cranial) connected to the eustachian tube and the tympanic cavity and also responsible for sensations in the pharynx, soft palate, tongue, tonsils and the control of the reflexes of respiration and blood pressure and heart rate.